In Shrawley, we are surrounded by woods and fields and yet have only one public green space – The Millennium Green and a good percentage of the village don’t know it exists. Not surprising perhaps when it has been hiding under a blanket of brambles and undergrowth for the last few years.So in the depth of lockdown we at Shrawley Parish Council embarked on an ambitious clear-up of the green as a prelude to what we hope will be some imaginative planting and restoration.The idea is to encourage more use of the green as a place to meet or just to visit.We have had some great ideas from the village horticulturalists, including a planting of blossom trees and fruit trees – Worcestershire varieties naturally – and native daffodils and bluebells.Additional benches are also in mind.So now the place is cleared we can move to the next stage of the project which is to realise the full potential of the green. For that we need to engage the people of Shrawley and we ask that, if you do nothing else, pay a visit to the green and see for yourselves what the possibilities are.And if you’re neighbours aren’t sure where it is, take them with you!Shrawley Parish CouncilFor those of you who don’t know where the Millennium Green is you will find it just to the right of the Church. It is a very peaceful spot and you will get some beautiful views over the village from there. The Parish Council deserve praise for this initiative especially Mike Dymond who is leading this project.